Annie Besant Shrine

All I write is equally theosophical and religious, being directed to the evolution of the spiritual intelligence in man exerted in spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical departments of human life; they all form part of one great movement for human progress and liberty and order. [Statement of August 10, 1917, while interned by the Madras government as politically dangerous.]
While labouring chiefly in religious propaganda and educational work, I used the light of Theosophy to illuminate political questions where great principles were involved, just as they are involved now. The question of Home Rule for India is no question of party politics: it is a question of principle, of the liberation of a people from autocratic rule. [New India, April 21, 1915.]
What you will find in The Annie Besant Shrine: A Bibliography of Annie Besant (1847-1933).
Periodicals edited by Annie Besant, and selected theosophical articles authored by her.
Biographical, posthumous, and bibliographical publications for Annie Besant.
Annie Besant's pamphlets on Theosophy and related subjects.
Annie Besant's books on Theosophy and related subjects.
Early Works
Annie Besant's books and pamphlets up to her conversion to Theosophy.