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  • XIX. Selected Articles from The Theosophist (1889-1947)

XIX. Selected Articles from The Theosophist (1889-1947)

Published monthly from Adyar, Madras (now Chennai), India. Edited by Besant from 1907-33. Source of a number of pamphlets listed previously; and, after Besant assumes editorship, serializations of several major theosophical books; as well as several posthumously published articles. This listing ends with the Besant Centenary issue of October 1947. Links are available for almost every article published between 1906 and the first half of 1922.

[Omits most columns, reviews, obituaries, letters, correspondence, filler, and reprints; favors items longer than three pages. References are to volume and page number. A (+) symbol after a page number indicates paginated items outside of the volume pagination, including supplements and reports. Links provided for articles reprinted in the Adyar Library Pamphlet Series; and, when available, to serialized books, and other resources.]

1889 Review: The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky. From National Reformer. 10:757 (September 1889).

Why Mrs. Besant Joined the Theosophical Society. 11:27+ (November 1889 supplement).

Intellectual Growth. 11:27+ (November 1889 supplement).

The Incompleteness of Atheism. 11:28+ (November 1889 supplement).

1891 Annie Besant's Farewell to Secularism. 13:9+ (October 1891 supplement. [Extract.]

1892 Theosophy and the Society of Jesus. 14:147 (December 1892). [Also published in pamphlet form in 1892 as Theosophical Tracts, no. 2.]

1893 Letter to H. S. Olcott. 14:59+ (June 1893 supplement).

Conviction and Dogmatism. 15:146 (December 1893).

The Parliament of Religions. 15:10+ (December 1893).

1894 Address by Annie Besant: A Report. 15:46+ (January 1894 supplement).

Spirituality. 15:238 (January 1894).

Mrs. Annie Besant on the Revival of India: A Letter. 15:20+ (March 1894 supplement).

The Spirit of Theosophy. 15:497 (May 1894). From Poona Observer.

1895 Action on the Judge Case. 16:39+ (January 1895 report).

Moral and Religious Education. 16:389 (March 1895).

The Atonement: A reply to Mr. Gladstone. 17:38 (October 1895).

1896 Mrs. Besant and Vivisection. 17:22+ (March 1896 supplement).

Abstract of Mrs. Annie Besant's 2nd Lecture in Bombay. 17:32+ (May 1896 supplement). [From Bombay Gazette.]

India: Mrs. Besant's Tour (1). 18:177 (December 1896).

1897 India: Mrs. Besant's Tour (2). 18:241 (January 1897).

India: Mrs. Besant's Tour (3). 18:309 (February 1897).

The Education of Hindu Youth. 18:328 (March 1897). [Collected in 1913 Essays and Addresses, vol. 4: India; and in 1917 The Birth of New India.]

The Progress of Theosophy. 18:623 (July 1897).

Life After Death: An address. 18:41+ (July 1897 supplement). [Reprint from Los Angeles Daily Times.]

Annie Besant on Capital Punishment: A Letter. 18:733 (September 1897).

Cyclic Disturbances. 19:14+ (December 1897 supplement). [Reprint from Theosophical Review column.]

1898 Theosophy and Spiritualism. 19:404 (April 1898). [Reprint, extract.]

1899 Theosophy and the Future of India. 20:262 (February 1899).

1900 Mrs. Besant's Anniversary Address. December 1900: Adyar. 21:301 (February 1900). [Collected in 1913 Essays and Addresses, vol. 4: India.]

1902 The Education of Women. 23:252 (January 1902).

1903 Lecture on Zoroastrianism. 24:447 (April 1903).

1904 The Education of Indian Girls. 25:23+ (May 1904 supplement). [Also published in 1904 as Benares Pamphlet Series, no. 25; collected in 1917 The Birth of New India.]

1905 Relation of Theosophy to Life (1). 26:300 (February 1905).

Relation of Theosophy to Life (2). 26:364 (March 1905).

The Unification of India. 26:378 (March 1905).

The Spread of Theosophy (The Vast Theosophical Movement). 27:10 (October 1905).

1906 Mrs. Besant on Theosophy and Reincarnation. 27:534 (April 1906). [Reprint.]

Mrs. Besant's Views on Indian Questions. 27:959 (July 1906).

1907 The Basis of the Theosophical Society (1). 28:327 (February 1907). [Published with part 2 (August 1907) as 1907 TPS pamphlet.]

The Last Days of the President-Founder [H. S. Olcott] (1832-1907). 28:425 (March 1907). [Published with Presidential Address (August 1907) as 1907 pamphlet.]

The Brotherhood of Religions (1). 28:481 (April 1907). [Published with parts 2 and 3 in 1913 as Adyar Pamphlets Series, no. 24.]

The Brotherhood of Religions (2). 28:561 (May 1907).

To My Fellow Members of the TS. 28:38+ (May 1907 supplement).

The Presidency of the TS: To the Members of the British Section. 28:69+ (May 1907 supplement).

The Testing of the Theosophical Society. 28:83+ (May 1907 supplement). [Also published as 1907 pamphlet.]

The Brotherhood of Religions (3). 28:777 (July 1907).

The Basis of the Theosophical Society (2). 28:828 (August 1907).

Presidential Address: June 29, 1907. 28:859 (August 1907). [Published with Last Days of the President-Founder (February 1907) as 1907 pamphlet.]

Address of the President of the Theosophical Society to the American Convention. 29:7 (October 1907).

The Value of Happiness. 29:116 (November 1907).

The Elimination of the Unfit. 29:148 (November 1907).

1908 Occult Chemistry (1). 29:347 (January 1908). [Serialization of 1908 book of the same title, jointly authored with Charles W. Leadbeater. No link available for this edition.]

Occult Chemistry (2). 29:437 (February 1908).

The TS Order of Service. 29:487 (March 1908). [Also published as 1908 pamphlet.]

Occult Chemistry (3). 29:531 (March 1908).

Occult Chemistry (4). 29:625 (April 1908).

Occult Chemistry (5). 29:729 (May 1908).

The Aether of Space. 29:823 (June 1908). Appears as appendix in 1908 Occult Chemistry, jointly authored with Charles W. Leadbeater. No link available for this edition.]

Occult Chemistry (6). 29:841 (June 1908).

The Vasanta Press. 29:39+ (June 1908 supplement).

Occult Chemistry (7). 29:929 (July 1908).

Occult Chemistry (8). 29:1019 (August 1908).

Occult Chemistry (9). 29:1111 (September 1908).

Occult Chemistry (10). 30:43 (October 1908).

Occult Chemistry (11). 30:166 (November 1908).

Occult Chemistry (12). 30:253 (December 1908).

1909 The Search for God (1). 30:321 (January 1909).

The Search for God (2). 30:430 (February 1909).

The Theosophic Life. 30:517 (March 1909). [Reprinted as 1993 TPH pamphlet.]

Karma, Once More. 30:13 (April 1909). [Reprinted in pamphlet form in 1910.]

Theosophical Worthies: H. P. Blavatsky: The Messenger of the White Lodge. 30:85 (April 1909).

Round the Village Tree (1): Ganga, the River Maid: A Legend of Aryavarta. 30:94 (April 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

The Science of Peace (1): Questions. 30:157 (May 1909). [Serialization of 1912 An Introduction to the Science of Peace.]

Round the Village Tree (2): The Stealing of Persephone: A Legend of Greece. 30:216 (May 1909).

The Science of Peace (2): The Self or the "I." 30:311 (June 1909).

Theosophical Worthies: William Quan Judge. 30:351 (June 1909).

On Revelations. With Charles W. Leadbeater. 30:355 (June 1909).

Round the Village Tree (3): The First Roses: A Christian Legend. 30:367 (June 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

The Science of Peace (3): The Not-Self. 30:441 (July 1909).

Round the Village Tree (4): The Drowning of the World: A Legend of Hindustan. 30:493 (July 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

The Science of Peace (4): The Spirit. 30:565 (August 1909).

Round the Village Tree (5): Perseus the Savior: A Legend of Greece. 30:617 (August 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

The Science of Peace (5): The Bodies. 30:687 (September 1909).

Round the Village Tree (6): The Wandering Jew: A Legend. 30:731 (September 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

The Science of Peace (6): The Answer. 31:47 (October 1909).

Round the Village Tree (7): The Story of Hypatia. 31:127 (October 1909). [Serialization of 1913 Legends and Tales under separate chapter titles.]

Communication between Different Worlds (1). 31:223 (November 1909). [Reprinted with part2 (December 1910) in 1913 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 30.]

Round the Village Tree (8): The Story of Giordano Bruno (1). 31:265 (November 1909). [Appeared in 1885 Legends and Tales, but not included in 1913 reissue; appears with parts 2 (December 1909) and 3 (January 1910)  in 1913 pamphlet Giordano Bruno: Theosophy's Apostle in the Sixteenth Century as "Life Story"; reprinted in 2000 Giordano Bruno: An Apostle of Theosophy.]

Communication between Different Worlds (2). 31:365 (December 1909).

Round the Village Tree (9): The Story of Giordano Bruno (2). 31:399 (December 1909).

1910 Round the Village Tree (10): The Story of Giordano Bruno (3). 31:507 (January 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (1): The Meaning of Theosophy. 31:526 (January 1910). [Serialization of 1911 The Riddle of Life under separate chapter headings and subheadings.]

The Successive Life-Periods of the Man (1). 31:569 (February 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (2): Reincarnation and Its Necessity. 31:649 (February 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (3): Why our Past Lives are Forgotten. 31:652 (February 1910).

The Successive Life-Periods of the Man (2). 31:701 (March 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (4): The Riddle of Love and Hate. 31:783 (March 1910).

Islam in the Light of Theosophy (1). 31:861 (April 1910). [Reprinted with part 2 (May 1910) in 1912 as Adyar Popular Lectures Pamphlet Series, no. 20; and again as Beauties of Islam in 1932 as TPH pamphlet; collected in 1917 The Birth of New India.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Notes on Reincarnation. 31:891 (April 1910). [Serialization of 1924 The Lives of Alcyone, coauthored with Charles W. Leadbeater.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: The Stories Themselves. 31:899 (April 1910). 

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (1-3). 31:900 (April 1910). 

Islam in the Light of Theosophy (2). 31:1001 (May 1910).

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (4-6). 31:1039 (May 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (5): Karma. 31:1102 (May 1910).

The King Emperor [King Edward VII]. 31:1105 (May 1910).

The Protection of Animals. 31:1121 (June 1910). [Reprinted in 1910 as TS Order of Service Pamphlet Series, no. 3).]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (7-8). 31:1163 (June 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (6): Reincarnation in the Past. 31:1194 (June 1910).

Education in the Light of Theosophy (1). 31:1251 (July 1910). [Reprinted with part 2 (August 1910) in 1912 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 16.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (9-10). 31:1297 (July 1910).

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone: Additional Dramatis Personae. 31:1336 (July 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (7): Our Solar System. 31:1350 (July 1910).

Education in the Light of Theosophy (2). 31:1379 (August 1910).

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (11-12). 31:1425 (August 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (8): Man and His Worlds. 31:1465 (August 1910).

Liberation, or Salvation. 31:1523 (September 1910). [Reprinted posthumously as 1949 TPH pamphlet.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (13-14). 31:1573 (September 1910).

The Brotherhood of Religions (1). 32:19 (October 1910). [Introduction and chapter 1 of 1910 The Universal Text Book of Religion and Morals, without quotations from world religions.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (15-16). 32:83 (October 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (9): Man and His Mortal Bodies (1): Introduction. 32:137 (October 1910).

The Brotherhood of Religions (2). 32:185 (November 1910). [Chapters 2-4 of 1910 The Universal Text Book of Religion and Morals, without quotations from world religions.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (17). 32:243 (November 1910).

Elementary Theosophy (10): Man and His Mortal Bodies (2). 32:294 (November 1910).

The Brotherhood of Religions (3). 32:327 (December 1910). [Chapters 5-7 of 1910 The Universal Text Book of Religion and Morals, without quotations from world religions.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (18-23). 32:397 (December 1910).

1911 The Brotherhood of Religions (4). 32:481 (January 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

Magic in Old Atlantis. 32:495 (January 1911). [Becomes part of 1913 Man: Whence, How, and Whither?; no link: volume not scanned.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (24-28). 32:631 (January 1911). [No link: volume not scanned; no link: volume not scanned.]

Elementary Theosophy (11): Man's Immortal Bodies. 32:706 (January 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

The Brotherhood of Religions (5). 32:721 (February 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

Rents in the Veil of Time: Lives of Alcyone (29-30). 32:787 (February 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

Elementary Theosophy (12): The Three Threads of the Cord of Fate. 32:832 (February 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

The Brotherhood of Religions (6). 32:875 (March 1911). [No link: volume not scanned.]

The Opening of the New Cycle (1). 32:9 (April 1911). [Lecture of December 26, 1910, Adyar; reprinted with part 2 (May 1911) in 1911 as Adyar Popular Lectures Pamphlet Series, no. 16.]

Elementary Theosophy (13): Steps on the Path. 32:120 (April 1911).

The Opening of the New Cycle (2). 32:169 (May 1911).

Elementary Theosophy (14): Our Elder Brothers. 32:300 (May 1911).

The White Lodge and Its Messengers. 32:325 (June 1911). [Lecture of Janaury 1, 1911; reprinted in 1911 as Adyar Popular Lectures Pamphlet Series, no. 17; and again in 1931 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 149.]

Elementary Theosophy (15): Thought-Power and Its Use. 32:455 (June 1911).

White Lotus Day Address. 32:583 (July 1911). [May 8, 1911, TS Headquarters, London.]

Order of the Star in the East. 32:14+ (July 1911 supplement).

A Study in Karma (1). 32:647 (August 1911). [Serialization of 1912 A Study in Karma.]

The President's address at the Theosophical Convention in England. 32:925 (September 1911).

Theosophy in Great Britain. 33:13 (October 1911).

The Masters and the Way to Them. 33:167 (November 1911). [Lecture of June 30, 1911, the Dome, Brighton; reprinted in 1912 as Adyar Popular Lectures Pamphlet Series, no. 19.]

Theosophical Worthies: C. W. Leadbeater. 33:306 (November 1911).

A Study in Karma (2). 33:323 (December 1911).

1912 A Study in Karma (3). 33:639 (February 1912).

A Study in Karma (4). 33:791 (March 1912).

A Study in Karma (5). 33:13 (April 1912).

A Study in Karma (6). 33:167 (May 1912).

A Study in Karma (7). 33:331 (June 1912).

Reincarnation: A note. 33:340 (June 1912).

The Brotherhood: A New Organization. 33:451 (June 1912).

The Growth of the Theosophical Society. 33:497 (July 1912).

The Coming World-Teacher. 33:510 (July 1912).

The New Continent. 33:513 (July 1912).

The Awakening China. 33:543 (July 1912).

Investigations into the Superphysical (1). 33:743 (August 1912). [Reprinted with next installment in 1913 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 36.]

Investigations into the Superphysical (2). 33:893 (September 1912).

Giordano Bruno: Theosophy's Apostle in the 16th Century. 34:13 (October 1912). [Lecture of June 15, 1911, Sorbonne, Paris; reprinted in 1913 pamphlet of the same title; and again in 2000 in Giordano Bruno: An Apostle of Theosophy.]

Aspects of the Christ: A Lecture to the Convention of England and Wales. 34:179 (November 1912). [Lecture of July 4, 1912, London; reprinted in 1912 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 22.]

The Christ of Mount Athos. 34:284 (November 1912).

A Note: The Coming Christ. 34:288 (November 1912).

Corroborations of The Secret Doctrine. 34:294 (November 1912).

Towards Union. 34:295 (November 1912).

The Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social Reorganisation (1). 34:460 (December 1912). [Essay from lecture first published in Letchworth, The Citizen; reprinted with next installment in 1916 as Adyar Library Pamphlet Series, no. 66; and again in 1932 as Adyar Pamphlet Series no. 167; collected in 1917 The Birth of New India.]

1913 The Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social Reorganization (2). 34:507 (January 1913).

Portraits of the Christ. 34:721 (February 1913).

Intuition as seen by Theosophy and Philosophy. 34:517 (July 1913).

From the President's Opening Speech at the Stockholm Congress. 34:781 (August 1913). [Also appears in 1913 Super-Human Men in History and Religion.]

Saviours of the World, or World-Teachers. 34:833 (September 1913). Lecture of June 15, 1913, evening, Sockholm; also appears in 1913 Super-Human Men in History and Religion.]

The Mysteries. 35:13 (October 1913). [Lecture of June 14, 1913, Stockholm; reprinted in 1917 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 83.]

The Present Position of the Theosophical Society. 35:179 (November 1913). [Lecture of June 3, 1913, Chelsea Town Hall.]

Is Belief in the Masters Superstitious or Harmful? 35:335. (December 1913). [Lecture of March 12, 1911, Victoria Town Hall, Madras; reprinted in 1919 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 101.]

1914 Memories of Past Lives (1). 35:483 (January 1914). [Based on a lecture of March 1912, Glasgow; reprinted with part 2 (February 1914) 1918 as Adyar Pamphlets Serie, no. 96.]

Memories of Past Lives (2). 35:641 (February 1914).

Occultism. 35:863 (March 1914). [Reprinted in 1919 as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 97.]

The Building of the Individual (1). 35:9 (April 1914).

The Building of the Individual (2). 35:165 (May 1914).

The Building of the Individual (3). 35:317 (June 1914). [This installment ends with “To be continued,” but the series was never completed.]

White Lotus Day, 1914: An Address. 35:477 (July 1914). [No link: volume not scanned.]

Revival of Persecution in England. 35:611 (August 1914). [No link: volume not scanned.]

1915 Brotherhood and War. 36:197 (June 1915).

Neutrality. 37:9 (October 1915).

1916 Your Duty? 37:467 (February 1916).

The Presidential Address: 40th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. 37:549 (February 1916). [December 1915, Bombay.]

Intuition, Mental and Super-Mental. 37:641 (March 1916).

Occultism and War (1). 37:71 (April 1916).

Occultism and War (2). 37:177 (May 1916).

The Festival of Today [Wesak]. 37:240 (June 1916).

Seeking for "Signs." 37:321 (June 1916).

Theosophy and Imperialism. 37:473 (August 1916). [Not the same as the 1902 TPS pamphlet of the same title, which also appears in 1913 Essays and Addresses, vol 4: India.]

The Wider Outlook. 38:127 (November 1916). [Succession of the German Section under the leadership of Dr. Rudolf Steiner; reprinted in 1925 as TPH pamphlet.]

1917 A Talk with a Class (1): Devachan: A World of Thought. 38:519 (February 1917). [Serialization of 1921 Talks with a Class.]

The Presidential Address: 41st Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. 38:568 (February 1917). [December 1916, Lucknow, India.]

A Talk with a Class (2): Factors in Spiritual Progress. 38:55 (April 1917).

A Talk with a Class (3): The Yucatan Brotherhood. 38:187 (May 1917).

A Talk with a Class (4): The Unconsciousness Preceding Devachan. 38:299 (June 1917).

A Talk with a Class (5): Answers to Some Questions. 39:183 (November 1917).

A Talk with a Class (6): Afterdeath Experiences of Suicides. 39:307 (December 1917).

1918 A Talk with a Class (7): Bye-Ways of Evolution. 39:419 (January 1918).

A Talk with a Class (8): Some Phases of the Higher Consciousness. 39:527 (February 1918). [Serialization of 1921 Talks with a Class.]

A Talk with a Class (9): Man, His Own Recording Angel. 39:657 (March 1918).

A Talk with a Class (10): Divine Versus Human Justice. 39:69 (April 1918).

A Talk with a Class (11): Non-Physical Beings (1). 39:167 (May 1918).

A Talk with a Class (12): Non-Physical Beings (2). 39:369 (July 1918).

A Talk with a Class (13): The Roots of Desire. 39:567 (September 1918).

A Talk with a Class (14): The Reality of Devachan. 40:59 (October 1918).

A Talk with a Class (15): A Thought-World. 40:169 (November 1918).

1919 [No articles. Only the regular On the Watch-Tower column.]

1920 Letter to the Theosophical Society on the Liberal Catholic Church. 41:13+ (March 1920 supplement). [Also published as 1920 TPH pamphlet.]

Slavery and Its Nemesis. 42:9 (October 1920).

The Time and the Work. 42:211 (December 1920). [Address to the Bradford Lodge, England.]

1921 The Presidential Address: 45th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. 42:495 (February 1921). [December 1920, Adyar.]

How to Build the New Era. 42:9 (April 1921). [Lecture of June 30, 1919, Glasgow.]

Neutrality in the Theosophical Society. 42:111 (May 1921). [Address of October 18, 1919, London Federation Conference.]

The Duty of the Theosophical Society in India. 42:315 (July 1921). [Lecture of January 16, 1920, Bombay.]

Reconstruction: The New Era (1). 43:9 (October 1921). [See Theosophist August-September 1928 for continuation.]

Notes of Mrs. Annie Besant's Reply to an Address. 43:88 (October 1921). [August 28, 1921, Empress Theatre, Bombay.]

Class War (1). 43:111 (November 1921). [Lecture of November 22, 1919.]

Class War (2). 43:213 (December 1921).

1922 Britain and India. 43:317 (January 1922).

The Presidential Address: 46th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society.  43:427 (February 1922). [December 1921: Benares.]

Whom Will Ye Serve? 43:589 (March 1922).

A Fairy Play. 43:628 (March 1922).

[Links not available beyond this point due to legal restrictions.]

On Gandhi. 43:97 (April 1922).

The Value of Theosophy to the World (1). 43:449 (August 1922).

The Value of Theosophy to the World (2). 43:559 (September 1922).

1923 Mysticism, or God Manifesting as Will. 44:359 (January 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

The Presidential Address: 47th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. . 44:449 (February 1923). [December 1922, Benares; Includes discussion of the recent Leadbeater problems].

Religion, or God Manifesting as Love (1). 44:495 (February 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

Religion, or God Manifesting as Love (2). 44:599 (March 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

Philosophy, or God Manifesting as Understanding. 44:31 (April 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

Science, or God Manifesting as Knowledge. 44:163 (May 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

Literature and Art, or God Manifesting as Beauty. 44:247 (June 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

Social Organisation, or God Manifesting as Society. 44:386 (July 1923). [Serialization of 1923 Brahmavidya, or Divine Wisdom.]

1924 The Presidential Address: 48th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. 45:573 (February 1924). [December 1923.]

The Lives of Alcyone (1-3I). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:69 (April 1924). [Reprinted from Theosophist (April 1910). Serialization of 1924 The Lives of Alcyone.]

The Lives of Alcyone (4-5). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:209 (May 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (6). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:351 (June 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (7). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:483 (July 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (8-9). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:629 (August 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (10-12). With C. W. Leadbeater. 45:753 (September 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (13). With C. W. Leadbeater. 46:65 (October 1924).

The Lives of Alcyone (14-16). With C. W. Leadbeater. 46:201 (November 1924).

Higher Education in India, Past and Present. Convocation Address to the University of Mysore: October 29, 1924. 46:279 (December 1924). [Also published as 1924 TPH pamphlet.]

The Lives of Alcyone (17-18). With C. W. Leadbeater. 46:347 (December 1924).

1925 The Progress of the Theosophical Society. The Presidential Address of the 49th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society. 46:697 (March 1925). [December 1924: Bombay; also published as 1925 TPH pamphlet.]

Star Congress at Ommen: Address of August 11, 1925. 47:143 (November 1925). [Also published as 1925 pamphlet.]

Star Congress at Ommen: August 11th (A Caution). 47:171 (November 1925).

Star Congress at Ommen: August 12th ("These Wild People"). 47:191 (November 1925).

Star Congress at Ommen: August 12th. 47:198 (November 1925).

Star Congress at Ommen: August 13th. Concluding Address. 47:216 (November 1926).

Star Congress at Ommen: August 14th. 47:226 (November 1925).

Star Congress at Ommen: Address. 47:255 (November 1925).

Talks on Krishnaji (1). 47:269 (November 1925).

Talks on Krishnaji (5). 47:282 (November 1925).

Talks on C. W. Leadbeater (1). 47:284 (November 1925).

1926 Dr. Besant's Speech at the closing of the Fourth Lecture Session at the Brahmavidya Ashrama: March 27, 1926. 47:216 (May 1926).

The 50th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. 47:265 (June 1926). [December 1925, Adyar.]

The Work of Star Members. 48:127 (November 1926).

1927 A Sermon. St. Alban’s Liberal Catholic Church, Hollywood, CA: November 28, 1926. 48:691 (March 1927).

The Coming Race. 48:700 (March 1927). [From the Los Angeles Times.]

The Way of Sorrows and the Way of Happiness: The New Message. 48:6 (April 1927).

The Star Meeting at Krotona, Ojai, California, December 28, 1926. 48:7 (April 1927).

The Great Work. 48:269 (June 1927).

Opening Convention Address. 48:482 (July 1927).

The Federation of Teutonic Nations. 49:5 (October 1927).

The Coming Changes: A Closing Address, 1927. 49:129 (November 1927).

The Future of Europe: Peace or War? 49:261 (December 1927). [Outline; published in full as 1927 TPS pamphlet.]

The 51st Anniversary of Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. . 49:367 (December 1927). [ December 1926, Adyar.]

1928 First Presidential Address to the Theosophical Society, its Officers and Members (1907): An Echo from the Past. 49:671 (March 1928).

The United States of Europe. Lecture of October 2, 1927: Queen’s Hall, London. 49:147 (May 1928). [Also published as 1928 TPS pamphlet.]

The 52nd Anniversary of the Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. 49:279 (June 1928). [December 1927.]

The Coming Generation and the Coming Christ. 49:303 (June 1928). [Lecture of June 9, 1909, Edinburgh Lodge.]

Twenty Years' Work (1). Compiled and annotated by Basil Hodgson-Smith from Watch-Tower columns and Supplements to Theosophist. 49:331 (June 1928).  [1891-92.]

The Meaning and Reality of Brotherhood. 49:421 (July 1928). [Lecture of July 1905, Finsbury Town Hall, London.]

The Mechanism of Consciousness.  49:467 (July 1928). [From Miss Arundale’s notebook.]

Twenty Years' Work (2). 49:506 (July 1928). [1893-95.]

Reconstruction: The New Era (1). 49:569 (August 1928). [Lecture of September 8, 1919,  Festival Assembly Hall, New York.]

The Happy Valley Foundation. 49:611 (August 1928). [Also published as TPH pamphlet.]

Our Planetary Chain, from the Life side rather than the Form side, as seen from the Buddhic Plane (1). 49:623 (August 1928). [From an early notebook of Miss Arundale.]

Reconstruction: The New Era (2). 49:667 (September 1928).

Twenty Years' Work (3). 49:683 (September 1928).  [1896-98.]

Our Planetary Chain, from the Life side rather than the Form side, as seen from the Buddhic Plane (2). 49:727 (September 1928).

True and False Conceptions of the Atonement. 50:33 (October 1928).

Twenty Years' Work (4). 50:81 (October 1928). [1899-1904.]

Twenty Years' Work (5). 50:135 (November 1928).  [1905-1907.]

The Use of Pleasure (1). 50:185 (November 1928). [Lecture to the Blavatsky Lodge, 1905.]

Group Questions and Answers. 50:193 (November 1928). [From an old notebook of Miss Arundale.]

Twenty Years' Work (6). 50:241 (December 1928). [Begins 1908.]

The Use of Pleasure (2). 50:289 (December 1928).

1929 The 53rd Anniversary of the Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. 50:467 (February 1929). [December 1928, Adyar.]

Twenty Years' Work (7). 50:498 (February 1929). [Concludes  1908; begins 1909.]

Twenty Years' Work (8). 50:579 (March 1929).  [Continues 1909.]

Twenty Years' Work (9). 50:23 (April 1929).  [Continues 1909.]

Twenty Years' Work (10). 50:231 (June 1929).  [Continues 1909.]

Twenty Years' Work (11). 50:319 (July 1929).  [Continues 1909.]

Twenty Years' Work (12). 50:409 (August 1929).  [Concludes 1909; begins 1910.]

Twenty Years' Work (13). 50:512 (September 1929). [1910-11.]

White Lotus Day: An Address. 51:9 (October 1929). [Also published in 1929 as TPH pamphlet: White Lotus Day, May 8, 1929: A Tribute of Love and Gratitude to H. P. Blavatsky.]

Wrong-Doing and Suffering. 51:27 (October 1929).

From Peace to Power: Lifting the Veil. 51:148 (November 1929). [Account of meeting with Rishi Agastya in 1913.]

How Theosophy Has Helped the World. 51:226 (November 1929). [From Sunday Referee (June 9, 1929).]

The Adyar Theosophist

[Besant renames The Theosophist to The Adyar Theosophist in January 1930. Numbering of volumes remains continuous.]

1930 Questions and Answers Meeting.  51:441 (January 1930). [Theosophical World Congress, August 1929: Chicago.]

The 54th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. 51:455 (February 1930). [December, 1929, Adyar.]

To Members of the Theosophical Society. 51:523 (March 1930).

Address to Members. 51:321 (September 1930).

The Theosophist

[Besant changes the name of The Adyar Theosophist back to The Theosophist in January 1931. Numbering of volumes remains continuous.]

1931 "Not All of Me Shall Die." 52:175 (January 1931). [Lecture of June 9, 1929, Queen’s Hall, London.]

The Future of the Theosophical Society. 52:301 (February 1930). [Lecture of December 22, 1930, Adyar; reprinted in 1931 The Future of the Theosophical Society; also as Adyar Pamphlet Series, no. 151.]

Facts of the Intermediate World: Fruits of the Past (1). 52: 436 (March 1931). [Lecture of June 16, 1929, Queen’s Hall, London.]

Edward Holton James. An Interview with Dr. Besant. 52:481 (March 1931).

The 55th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society: The Presidential Address. 52:9 (April 1931). [December 1930.]

Facts of the Intermediate World: Fruits of the Past (2). Lecture at Queen’s Hall, London: June 16, 1929. 52:51 (April 1931).

Facts of the Heavenly World (1). 52:161 (May 1931). [Lecture of June 12, 1929, Queen’s Hall, London.]

Facts of the Heavenly World (2). 52:304 (June 1931). [Lecture of June 12, 1929, Queen’s Hall, London.]

Facts of the Heavenly World (3). 52:439 (July 1931). [Lecture of June 12, 1929, Queen’s Hall, London.]

Theosophy (1). 53:131 (November 1931). Reprinted with next installment as 1932 Theosophy: A Manual.

Theosophy (2). 53:279 (December 1931).

1932 From a Master to Some of His Younger Disciples (via Annie Besant). 53:9 (April 1932).

Personal and Impersonal Ideals (Extracts). 53:236 (June 1932).

1933 Dr. Besant's Occult Life (1). 54:543 (February 1933).

Dr. Besant's Occult Life (2). 54:629 (March 1933).

Dr. Besant's Occult Life (3). 54:15 (April 1933).

Dr. Besant's Occult Life (4). 54:145 (May 1933).

Dr. Besant's Work for Indian Education. 54:396 (July 1933).

A Message from Dr. Annie Besant (After Her Death). 55:229 (November 1933). [Received by C. W. Leadbeater.]

1937 The Great Brotherhood. 58:309 (January 1937). [Lecture of July 3, 1904, Small Queen’s Hall, London.]

The Ascent of Man 1I): Man as an Intelligent Entity (1899). 58:389 (February 1937). [Lecture of June 1899, Small Queen’s Hall, London.]

The Ascent of Man (2): The Evolution of Form. 58:500 (March 1937). [Lecture of June 1899, Small Queen’s Hall, London.]

The Ascent of Man (3): The Stage of the Savage. 58:9 (April 1937). [Lecture of June 1899, Small Queen’s Hall, London.]

White Lotus Day. London: 1904. 58: 110 (May 1937).

The Ascent of Man (4): The Stage of the Combatant.[Lecture of June 1899, Small Queen’s Hall, London; there were originally six lectures in the series, but the final lectures, “The Stage of the Combatant” (2) and “The Christ Stage,” were apparently lost.]

The Dark Powers in Nature (1): Their Work for Evolution. 58:387 (August 1937).

The Dark Powers in Nature (2): The Judgement of Atlantis. 58:523 (September 1937).

The Religion of the Future. 59:29 (October 1937). [Undated London lecture.]

1945 Shelley: Poet of Freedom. Gokhale Hall, Madras: 1922. 66:237 (September 1945). [First published in New India.]

Theosophy Destroys Materialism. 67:100 (December 1945). [Reprint of How Theosophy Has Helped the World, from Theosophist (November 1929).]

1947 Our Planetary Chain (1898). 68:227 (January 1947).

The Conditions of Occult Research (1). 68:293 (February 1947). [Reprinted with next installment from 1907 Transactions of the Second Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society, July 6-10, 1905, London.]

The Conditions of Occult Research (2). 68:361 (March 1947).

Development of the Spiritual Life (1). 68:81. (May 1947).

Development of the Spiritual Life (2). 68:157 (June 1947).

Besant Centenary Issue: 1847-1947. 69:1 (October 1947).

